A Special Note from Pastor Ken
Members of Grace Fellowship,
For the past eight years, we have had the privilege to establish a partnership with Pastor Javier Gil in Cali, Colombia. Many of our students and adult leaders have become quite close with Javier and his wife Gloria and their children, Thomas and Abigail. Recently, Javier made the decision to put down permanent roots in Cali. This will enable him to focus on his work of pastoring the church, making disciples, raising up leaders, and planting churches throughout Latin America (all efforts that Grace Fellowship is very much a part of).
To that end, Javier and Gloria have commenced the process of purchasing their own home in a secure neighborhood where they can continue their work and raise their children in a safe environment.
Through the generosity of Christians all over the world, Javier has raised enough money to make the down payment but he must clear his credit to qualify for a mortgage. He has requested that the members of Grace Fellowship assist him as they are led by the Lord. The Missions Team has decided to match any funds donated for this purpose, dollar for dollar, up to the first $2500. We believe that God has enriched us for opportunities such as this and that this generous church will easily meet the Gil family’s need.
If you would like to participate, please direct your contributions to "Missions: South America."
Ken Rutherford

Cali, Colombia

Grace Fellowship students share the gospel through drama in Cali, Colombia in July, 2015.
Our philosophy of foreign missions centers on establishing and maintaining relationships with partner churches in the countries to which we send teams. We currently partner with Iglesia Betania de la Reforma in Cali, Colombia, Vida En Su Palabra in Riohacha, and Iglesia Reformada Nación de Dios in Cartagena, Colombia. Each year, we send teams to support the evangelistic efforts of these churches and associated congregations in the area.

Pastor Ken Rutherford with the students of Nueva Providencia pictured in front of the soon-to-be-completed chapel in February, 2016.
In addition, we support the work of the Nueva Providencia Biblical Institute in Santa Elena, a school that equips men to work as pastors and missionaries throughout Latin America.