The Adult Ministry creates an environment of disciple-making through the teaching of God’s Word for understanding and application. "Core" is after the morning service and is geared to teach adults about God, and the ways He has interacted with people over time as expressed in the Bible. In this way we get to know God's character and how people trusted Him in the past so that we can do the same.
In this pursuit, we value:
- Development in Christ-valuing character over mere addition of knowledge
- Direct study of the Scriptures over the thoughts of others
- Dialogue with one another as we all explore the impact of truth on our lives and the development of deeper relationships in each Connections group
We measure our faithfulness to the task by the growth we see God producing in the adults under our influence as they are transformed and equipped so that they increasingly become reproducing disciple makers. Specifically, we look for application of the Word of God that produces:
- Growth in community with one-another
- Adoration of the Lord
- Nurture of one-another
- Service to one-another