Leadership & Staff
A church will be as spiritually healthy and mission-minded as its leadership. Period. If the church is analogous to a human body — and it is — then the leadership could be seen as the backbone. The leadership of Grace Fellowship sets the pace for those who attend our church to be reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ.
At Grace Fellowship all of our elders are pastors, some on staff and some working in the marketplace. We are an elder-led church in which qualified men serve as pastors, caring for Christ's Church and seeking to fulfill His mission of making disciples who can make disciples. A rotating subset of all the elders serve on the Leadership Team. The Leadership Team fills the role that some churches might call an elder board or council.
Currently serving on the Leadership Team
The staff meets the day-to-day pastoral needs of the church body and community, as well as setting our organizational pace. Our staff helps us strive for a healthy balance of personal connectivity as well as organizational excellence.
Ministry Directors
While everyone in a church should willingly and freely serve one another given all that Jesus has freely and graciously given to us, a director is placed in a unique and identified position of service from among the other church members. The role of the deacon (i.e. "director") is to be a servant. While the Scriptures do not give us an exhaustive list of all of the deacon responsibilities, it seems best to view directors as people who serve in key areas so that the church as a whole can accomplish its mission to spread the fame of God by making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Directors At Large
Our At Large Directors serve in areas that are more oriented to irregular projects that are not occurring on a consistent basis and yet are needed in order to care for our church. Those who serve in this area are biblically qualified just as any other director, they just serve in a unique niche.