We value asking questions to better understand how to live life in a God- centered, Christ-exalting way. We believe that church should be the best place in which people can get solid answers to life’s questions from God’s Word.
Q1 (1:53). In the second chapter of 2 Timothy, Paul instructs Timothy about false teachers in the church. However, should we also apply such wisdom to people who “quarrel about words,” irreverently “babble” and participate in “ignorant controversies” but are not necessarily false teachers and perhaps even seem to be genuine brothers and sisters in Christ? If so, what are specific ways we can properly and effectively interact with and love them?
Q2 (30:00). Many workplaces, governments, businesses, and even churches are celebrating and imposing pro- LGBTQ practices and policies that are antithetical to biblical Christianity. How are we to honor and reflect Christ while living and interacting with such a culture?
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