We value asking questions to better understand how to live life in a God-centered, Christ-exalting way. We believe that church should be the best place in which people can get solid answers to life’s questions from God’s Word.
- In Genesis 32, Jacob wrestles with a man. Who would we interpret this man to be? Did Jacob actually wrestle with God in bodily form (see v. 30)?
- In the Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis, it almost seems that Wormwood grows weary and lazy in his pursuit of the patient’s soul. We have evidence in the Bible that God will never give up on us, as opposed to the devil. In a devotional book by Paul Tripp that I was reading, he says that we will “be required to deal with the endless temptations that wait for you around every corner. What God says is ugly will be presented to you as beautiful. Seductive voices will whisper untruths in your ears. You’ll be tempted to desire things that are outside God’s plan for you … Your trouble is never just environmental, it is always also internal … It is only ever the evil inside us that hooks us to the evil outside us.” First, do you think that Satan ever grows weary of fighting against Christ since he is not as strong as Christ? Second, how would it impact our lives if, all of a sudden, Satan completely gave up before Christ returned and there was no internal temptation?
- If an elder is directly abusing someone, but they have created an air of silence around them to the point that no one will speak of the persistent sin (which is often the case with abusers), how is a Christian to handle that? I know that 1 Tim 5 talks about not admitting a charge against an elder without multiple witnesses, however we do not have to look far to see examples of leaders using their place of authority to create silence and fear. What then? How can I obey this teaching and obey the teaching to be the voice for the voiceless?
Scripture references: Various
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