Our God is in the heavens and He does all that He pleases the Scriptures tell us (Ps 115:3). From parting the Red Sea in order to deliver His people to raising up Nebuchadnezzar of the Babylonians to discipline them, God’s sovereign will of decree will always come to pass. It also tells us that nothing, no man, and no power can thwart or stay His hand (Job 42:2).
This is a comforting reality in many different and difficult times. Sitting at the bedside of a dying loved one, comfort can be had in knowing of God’s sovereignty. It likewise can be quite comforting when considering the ills and ails of the society around us in times such as we find ourselves.
Scripture also tells us that as followers of Christ we are no longer of this world (Jn 15:19). It is no longer our primary citizenship; indeed, our citizenship is in heaven (Phil 3:20). Our King rules and has delegated His authority to mankind ever since the Garden.
As followers of Christ, we have a responsibility to be good stewards of all that God has given to us and this includes our participation in government and politics. To that end, the elders of Grace Fellowship want to make you aware of a dangerous piece of legislation called the Equality Act (H.R.5) which passed in the US House of Representatives on Feb 25, 2021. A thorough and concise summary of and the many dangers associated with it can be found here.
We encourage each of you to pray to our sovereign God that this bill would be voted down either by the US Senate or not signed by our president. We pray to our God knowing that man plans his steps, but that even the king’s heart is directed like a stream of water by our God (Prov 21:1).
We pray with our hope not ultimately in this bill being stopped, but in our great and glorious God. We pray knowing that we are not first and foremost Georgians or Americans, but sons and daughters of the King of Kings. We pray knowing that regardless of what happens, it was part of God’s sovereign will of decree.
We also encourage you to reach out to our two senators and the White House regarding this bill and let them know how dangerous it is and that it should be stopped. Let them know you are concerned about this as a Christian who values freedom of conscience and religion, two bedrock freedoms of our constitutional republic. As you do so, remember you are an ambassador for our glorious Savior so please represent Him with humility, charity, and kindness in all your interactions. Contact information for Georgia’s senators can be found here and the White House can be reached here.
This bill presents us with an opportunity to engage in the stewardship God has given to us as His vice-regents while at the same time resting in His sovereign and powerful hand regardless of how this turns out. May His fame be spread as the result our engagement on H.R.5.
Pat Dirrim on behalf of the Elder Leadership Team of Grace Fellowship.
Dan Becker says
A very dangerous bill that threatens to invalidate religious freedoms. Thanks for pointing this out.
Chuck Mullins says
Thank you. I need this reminder of GOD’s absolute sovereign hand.
Barbara Mullins says
We need to be in MUCH PRAYER that the US Senate will not pass this bill. Our two Senators don’t represent our Christian values, but if enough people appeal to them to do what is right for all people they claim to represent and we PRAY, our LORD can change their minds. Do not be silent Church!
Aarron Pina says
Thanks, Pat – well said and we emailed our entire tribe about this last week, including a link to the website for the Senate. I additionally mailed hard copies of my sentiments to both Rev. Warnock and Jon Ossoff’s offices in DC. If they can’t count our votes correctly in an election, at least they can try to count the number of envelopes we send them regarding this measure. We pray that the Lord will grant them repentance leading the knowledge of truth so that they may come to their senses and escape the trap of the devil who has taken them captive to do his will…