The students this year have been going through a series called Creeds, Councils, & Cults. In it we looked at numerous different creeds and confessions in order to better understand what God’s word teaches on different topics so that we all had better handles on what we believe and why. It was great doing that while looking throughout church history to see how God has sovereignly protected and fed His church. We also looked at a number of different false religion and cults and compared key areas of their beliefs to what orthodox creedal Christianity taught. One of those cults was the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Stand to Reason, an excellent apologetics organization, recently produced a great video for Christians to help them really understand how to engage the Jehovah’s Witness person who comes to your door. This is very helpful and I encourage anyone who wants to be better equipped in this area to give it a watch!
Excellent… clear… concise!