Sunday morning the women were headed to the tomb with the spices they had purchased the day before in order to tend to the body of their now dead master. Yet, upon their arrival at the tomb, they found it opened and empty! Jesus, whom they had seen killed on Friday, was not here in His grave. As they ran to tell the others, disbelief and incredulity ran high amongst the followers of Jesus. Yet, it was true…Jesus Christ was now alive having accomplished all that the Father had planned for Him and, because of that, all those who trust in Him will be saved!
1.Watch this short video for a more detailed explanation of what occurred on Resurrection Sunday.
2.Then spend some time reading a harmonized account (the bringing together of each of the Gospel writers’ accounts) of what took place on Resurrection Sunday.
3.After that mediate upon it and the weight of the burden Jesus was carrying as He, for the joy that was set before Him, obediently continued on His journey to the cross.
4.Finally, use this to lead your family in the worship of our great God throughout the week!
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