Good Friday! After a night and early morning filled with mock trials and perfunctory renderings, Jesus was lead to a hill outside of Jerusalem. It was there, after carrying His own cross on a bloody flesh-shredded back, that spikes were driven into His hands and through His feet. And it was there, situated between two unjust criminals, that Jesus hung from that cross and drank the Father’s staggering cup of wrath down to its bitter dregs. Jesus died…
1.Watch this short video for a more detailed explanation of what occurred on Friday.
2.Then spend some time reading a harmonized account (the bringing together of each of the Gospel writers’ accounts) of what took place on Friday.
3.After that mediate upon it and the weight of the burden Jesus was carrying as He, for the joy that was set before Him, obediently continued on His journey to the cross.
4.Finally, use this to lead your family in the worship of our great God throughout the week!
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