It is now Monday of Passion Week. One of the more interesting and confusing events of the week is when Jesus cursed the fruitless fig tree. How does this relate to this week and Jesus’ mission? God’s chosen people were fruitless just like the tree. Just as that tree was judged, so too would be His people. Praise God, though, that Jesus was only four days away from taking that judgement upon Himself!
- Watch this short video for a more detailed explanation of what occurred on Monday.
- Then spend some time reading a harmonized account (the bringing together of each of the Gospel writers’ accounts) of what took place on Monday.
- After that mediate upon it and the weight of the burden Jesus was carrying as He, for the joy that was set before Him, obediently continued on His journey to the cross.
- Finally, use this to lead your family in the worship of our great God throughout the week!
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