As we venture toward Summer and our annual Summer Fun Series as a Church please consider how you view the idea of missional living. When we talk about disciplemaking there is a tendency to see it as one more endeavor we have to manage. Is this the way Jesus saw it? No. Jesus saw missional living as a natural outflow of a disciples life. When Jesus says, “go into all the world” (Matt. 28:19), as the first dynamic in the mandate to make disciples, the sentiment is “as you are going.” Paul Tripp helps us dig deeper into how many of us fail to see being missional as apart of our everyday life vs. thinking that living missional simply equates to adding one more layer of church programming or one more appointment on our already full schedule. It is our hope and prayer that you will begin to see your everyday life as a launchpad for missional living.
Wow…short but a great perspective change about viewing all of life as ministry in trying to make God’s invisible grace visible!