Our culture celebrates pornography in nearly all of its forms. From movies, to television shows, to commercials, to pop culture and to the world of style and fashion, pornography is pervasive. Not only is sex and pornography celebrated, it has never been easier to participate in its many insidious forms than it is today. From movies on demand in your living room, to the smartphone in your pocket, to the risqué billboard along the highway, we are inundated with sexual images and the like that strive to take God’s creation and make it a god.
This, however, is completely contrary to what the word of God calls us to. We are called to celebrate and enjoy everything God has made in its appropriate context. Thus, as the world seeks to make sex a god, followers of Christ must flee that temptation and seek to keep it in its appropriate context. This is no easy task for either men or women.
To that end, Tim Challies, a pastor in Canada and an online blogger, has called the Christian community to a month of prayer beginning in March to pray for sexual purity and for God’s grace as we seek to live counter to our sexually charged culture. This call is for both men and women…young and old…married and single…to “commit with me [Tim] to 31 Days of Purity—thirty-one days of considering what God’s Word says about sexual purity and thirty-one days of praying that God would help us fight sin and pursue holiness in this area.”
I strongly encourage all of you to participate in this. As Tim said on his blog, this is no magic talisman that is going to ward off sin. Rather, it is the body humbling itself in front of their King asking Him for His grace to be strong and fight against the effects of the culture we live in.
Will you join me?
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