Have you noticed a particular inconsistency in the lives of many Christians today – the expressed belief that God is in control and yet lack of confidence in certain life situations? For example, many Christians will espouse that God is in control but this affirmation has a certain emotional and intellectual shelf life. Whether sentiments of God being “in control” are voiced at the bedside of a sick child, at the loss of a job, or in response to world news; but there are other places where the notion of God being in control is muttered more than it is voiced with full confidence. It is one thing to believe God is in control when other people face tragedy, but what about when terminal illness lands on you or a person you deeply love? Is God really in control of that? Does a loving God really want that? But if God’s control only extends to a certain degree (so as not to be blamed for excessive heartache), then what are the implications for your life and the lives of those you love? Isn’t the very definition of what it means for God to be called “God” called into question?

About Dan Miller
Pastor Dan was part of the core group that started Grace Fellowship in 2003. Pastor Dan is our primary teaching pastor, leads the staff, and oversees the vision and strategy for our disciplemaking philosophy of ministry. Dan married Vicki in 1993. Together, they enjoy their seven children – Benjamin (married to Courtney), David, Alexa, Zachary (married to Ginna), Nathan, Ana, and Autumn, along with one grandchild - Lucy.
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