Last week a firestorm was started between same-sex marriage advocates and Chick-fil-A’s president, Dan Cathy due to his “coming out in opposition to same-sex marriage.” The real issue is that Dan Cathy never said he was against same-sex marriage!
Terry Mattingly of Get Religion builds a convincing argument that shows how news organizations manufactured and mislead readers regarding what Dan Cathy really said. In an interview with a writer for the Baptist Press, Cathy was asked about the company’s “support of the traditional family.” His response was, “Well, guilty as charged” and then he went on to talk about the company’s commitment “to do anything we possibly can to strengthen families.” Given that many of the individual restaurants are family-run operations, and because the Cathy family and their company believe, as Christians, in family-friendly policies. This desire for strong families can be seen in their commitment to give employees time to go to church as a family on Sundays. This is not a requirement for employees, but it is, nevertheless, a commitment by the company if a family would choose to take advantage of. BTW. This decision has led Chick-Fil-A to forgo many millions in annual revenue. In a day and age when “the family” finds few allies in the public sector, this is a refreshing example of company choosing family over money.
Mattingly points out that at no point in the Baptist Press article did Dan Cathy say a word about the issue of same-sex marriage. The nearest the piece comes to the subject is when the reporter writes, “Some have opposed the company’s support of the traditional family.” The immediate sequel is the remark of Cathy’s I quoted above. But who are those opponents of the company’s policies? We are never told. Is it fair to surmise the reporter is alluding to advocates of same-sex marriage? Maybe, but it’s far from certain. And Dan Cathy is not, repeat not, on the record in this story as taking any position on that issue. Maybe Dan does oppose same-sex marriage. However, Chick-Fil-A has no policy as a company on this issue and Dan has never made the statement that is now serving as a rally cry for those who oppose marriage to be only between one man and one woman.
And yet this did not stop CNN from running a story entitled: Henson, Huckabee take sides in Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy. This is a classic example of news organizations making news. I find it ironic that Chick-Fil-A takes a principled stand for traditional family values by closing on Sunday’s in order for families to worship together (forgoing millions of dollars), yet news organizations like CNN exaggerate and draw deceptive conclusions in order to make money by driving its readership up. Now same-sex marriage proponents are aiming their guns squarely at Chick-Fil-A and even intimidating big cities like Boston which has announced that they will block any attempts by Chick-Fil-A to sell their brand of chicken in the city. Also, Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel said, “Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago values,” in a statement to the Chicago Tribune. “They disrespect our fellow neighbors and residents.” Emanuel was vowing his support for Alderman Proco Moreno’s announcement that he would block construction of a Chick-fil-A restaurant in his district.
If there is a bright spot in the fallout of the initial mis-reporting and ginning-up of “headline news” it is that advocates of same-sex marriage have now firmly entrenched themselves as not buying into “traditional family values.” Same-sex advocates have played their hand and their cards are now on the table. Unless “family” is redefined (to look nothing like how civilization has defined it previously), advocates for same-sex marriage will not be content. Make no mistake, this is not about the “rights” of people, this is about creating an entirely new definition of marriage and family for all in order to justify the bigoted appetite of a very few.
Followers of Jesus should not be surprised at the attacks on Biblical ideals such as marriage. We take solace in the knowledge that if persecution and judgement begins with us, then what will the judgement for a society be that rejects the institution of marriage that God has ordained? As Peter said nearly 2000 years ago to Christians feeling the boot of the Roman Empire bent on being hostile to those of the Christian faith:
I Peter 4:12 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; 13 but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation. 14 If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. 15 Make sure that none of you suffers as a murderer, or thief, or evildoer, or a troublesome meddler; 16 but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name. 17 For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?
If it weren’t for the grace of God, I would be the one leading the charge against Chick-Fil-A and misrepresenting their stand for traditional family values. I would be calling for inclusion and demanding that people should be able express love in the way they choose without regard for historic and Biblical standards. However, God rescued me from these vain, self-serving beliefs through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the Gospel we see a clear distinction between right and wrong, truth and error, righteousness and sin. So, let’s continue to fight for Biblical fidelity in our society while extending the love of God. Let’s lead the charge by extending the Gospel in order for people to escape the wrath that is to come on all works of unrighteousness. We don’t oppose same-sex advocates because we are better than them, we oppose them because they live in opposition to the love and freedom that God provides through obeying His Word.
The lines are being drawn …
Celebraties Unleash Vulgar Rants Against Chick-Fil-A
Billy Graham’s Heart Aches For America
Southwestern Seminary Announces Its Solidarity with Chick-Fil-A
Bonus: No one is safe when research is even predetermined due to fear of reprisal from same-sex advocates: A sociologist whose data find fault with same-sex relationships is savaged by the progressive orthodoxy
Lj, is this really the way you want to engage on this subject? THAT reply is all you have?