After a full morning of preparation the team spent the afternoon in a local park sharing the gospel through our presentations and through several one-on-one encounters.
This opportunity was organized by the local church attended by Julio & Mariella. They distributed green t-shirts to us all and they had several of their members go with us to assist. It was great to be able to connect those with whom we spoke with a local church.
We began by drawing a crowd through face painting and balloons. Our friend, David, fighting a head cold, was amazing on the magaphone…”Absolutamente Gratis!!!!” The park was full of hundreds of people and many listened attentively to every bit of our presentation. We were blessed with several additional interpreters so many of us were able to engage in conversations with people standing by.
After the park, we were whisked off to another local church that had assembled to receive our group. We served them by doing face painting and balloons for the children while another part of the team presented two of the dramas.
We finished quite late and stopped at one of the zillions of rotisserie chicken joints for dinner.
View more pictures: 2012 Colombia Photo Gallery
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