MADISON, Wis. (WTAQ) – Federal Judge Barbara Crabb of Madison says the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional, because it violates the 1st Amendment’s ban on laws establishing religion. Crabb ruled Thursday in favor of Madison’s Freedom from Religion Foundation, which filed suit against the White House to end the president’s annual proclamation.
Stand to Reason speaks to our First Amendment rights.
When we see our faith come under attack may we be vigilant in seeking God’s Kingdom first and our rights as citizens second.
It doesn’t seem like most of the judges who make these kinds of ruling have ever actually read the first amendment:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
The establishment clause limits the actions of congress. Only congress can violate it. The president can’t, the local school board can’t, the mayor of a town can’t – only congress.
I’m no fan of the national day of prayer. Its an exercise in civil religion whose public face is usually a pastor willing to take their few moments of fame and offer a prayer to some generic one-size-fits-all god. However, it doesn’t violate the establishment clause.