I am not a fan of “counseling” in most of its forms today. Why? Because most counseling is man-centered and, therefore, fundamentally and tragically doomed in providing long-range change. At best, most Christian counseling simply masks the real issues by addressing various symptoms. However, I am a big fan of Ed Welch and the counseling practice of CCEF of which Ed belongs. I ordered the book Depression: A Stubborn Darkness a couple of months ago and my wife, Vicki, snapped it up before I could get to it. Since Vicki is one of my most trusted reviewers, I can safely give it two-thumbs up. Check out the following advertisment for this critically needed resource. I found the personal vantage point that Ed shares regarding his father’s struggle with depression very moving.
I’ve not read this but the stuff I have read by Welch is great for sure. I’ll have to get this and give it a read. Another good resource for this topic is “Spiritual Depression, Its Causes and Cure” by Martin Lloyd-Jones. Ultimately this is a spiritual issue requiring a spiritual solution, which I think is the approach Welch seems to take as well.
Thanks for sharing. Depression is a confusing reality that doesn’t always get the right attention in Christian fellowships.
You’re probably going to have to go tugrhoh Tricare to find a counselor but make an appointment with a doctor on base if you can and ask his advise. Maybe you can get a referral to a counselor on base.Many military personnel are reluctant to seek counseling of any kind but with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan taking a toll on mental health it has become more acceptable. If your husband won’t go, seek counseling on your own. Your husband’s squadron should recognize this as a valid medical/mental health issue. He is more focused on the job and therefore more valuable to the Air Force when he doesn’t have to worry about problems at home.I doubt the V.A. will help and wouldn’t recommend them anyway. I’ve been there!And it looks like Holly’s experience is more current than mine. A good place to start.