I am sure you have heard or seen advertisements for the movie, Angels and Demons. Angels and Demons took-in 48 million in its opening weekend ejecting Star-Trek to second place. I won’t spoil the premise of the movie for you, but suffice it to say that it involves a spiritual component that followers of Christ need to be aware of in order to not be shaken in their faith and to point people to Jesus.
It is to this end that Westminster Theological Seminary has sponsored a website outlining the claims made in the movie. The website is a fantastic tool and we encourage you to use it to equip your family and engage people in your sphere of influence. What a tremendous tool to use in witnessing to the people you interact with everyday! Not sure you could remember all the details and facts? Just send them this link so that they can explore for themselves.
5.26.09 Update:
The question has been asked, “Why should we even consider supporting movies like this? I would cite what the New York Times Op-Ed Column said of Dan Brown’s work:
It isn’t just that he knows how to keep the pages turning. That’s what it takes to sell a million novels. But if you want to sell a 100 million, you need to preach as well as entertain — to present a fiction that can be read as fact, and that promises to unlock the secrets of history, the universe and God along the way.
Therefore, I desire to stand alongside of people like Dan Brown and use their medium to communicate the truth of the Gospel. I choose to not abandon people to silly notions and toxic theology. The case could be made that our Areopagus is the movie theater.
Get started by getting to know the movie:
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