Does Satan Exist? A Nightline Face-Off
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guiroo says
guiroo says
This is a good example of two things that every Christian should be aware of.
1. The “I had an experience” claim is required but can’t be your only claim.
2. You must be able to defend the authenticity of the scripture on some level. Every discussion not just eventually, but quickly leads to “that’s your interpretation of someone’s interpretation.”
Vicki says
Ugh! I don’t think I’ve ever talked back to a series of videos like I did with this one. I’m praising Jesus I was not on stage! I would have looked like a frustrated and impatient fool! If my computer could, it would pop up mad-faced icons at me because of my spit from talking so much! I’m much more at peace now. 🙂 Mark and Annie were a great mix of experience and mind. She had an amazing testimony-which they all would agree on!
I really try, ( can be hard at times…honest Abe!), to listen to people’s views, but when Deepak made the comment that he doesn’t have a system; he has only one philosophy. He wants to seek the company of those who are looking for the truth and run from those who have found it…I think to myself..And yet you speak as though you have found the true answer so as to discount Christian truth and call anyone who doesn’t see your view insecure or ignorant. Yet, that statement alone is implying his choice to remain in a state of ignorance.
He also said he doesn’t trust his mind he trusts his spirit. What spirit? His good one or bad one? Could it be the shadow he mentioned really feeding him this niblet of information he so eloquently professes? It seems he frowns on us trusting the spirit or mind of those who wrote the Bible, yet he wants us to believe his spirit? Kind of funny…don’t put your faith in them, put it in yourself and what my spirit says.
If God truly is a great force over all…wouldn’t there be an expectation of continuity over the years? Can evolution change the fact that 2+2=4 by a surge of negative forces or enlightenment? We would never think that to be, yet we are expected to believe that as the earth changes so does the truth revealed about our being and consciousness? Christianity seems so far the best explanation and most consistent as to the reasons behind the origin of good, bad, and hope.
Bishop Pearson didn’t seem to understand the Satan of the Bible, can I be sure he was following the God of the Bible when he says he can relate to Christianity? I think the guy is burned out from a poor representation of God; I pity him the most and truly pray God shows Him a good balance of good and evil…and peace as he still seems to search.
When it comes down to it, this was not a battle of intellect verses faith, as some would see it. All side are clinging to what they believe-they all put their faith in something, because they all believe we are spiritual beings as well as physical beings. The question is what do you base your belief on and are you willing to stake eternity on it?
O'Ryan says
It made me sick when Deepak inferred the things that happened to Annie were her fault. Come on. How does anyone take this guy seriously; do you not watch the news? I am thankful God is both merciful and just.