Speaking on CNN’s “Late Edition”, Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger expressed disappointment at Proposition 8’s passage.
“It is unfortunate,” Schwarzenegger said. “But it is not the end because I think this will go back into the courts. … It’s the same as in the 1948 case when blacks and whites were not allowed to marry.
This falls into the same category.”
So, this woman (see video below) is a bigot harboring a racist viewpoint? How about you? Are you promoting racial inequality in the same way that “blacks and whites” were hindered from being able to not marry in the 1940’s? Why or why not?
Why we celebrate Thanksgiving. Many people today don’t know why or have never learned why Americans observe Thanksgiving. Here is the story. On Sunday Dec. 7th 1941, in a dastardly and despicable act the Japanese bombed Plymouth Rock. The unprovoked attack was unleashed upon peaceful settlers seeking to establish anew life, in a new community, in a new land. outrage spread across the country. President Lincoln declared it, “a day that would live in infamy”. He quickly called for volunteers. A citizen army was formed. After a long hard struggle which included, the nightmare winter at Valley Forge, the siege of the Alamo, the charge up San Juan Hill, and the decisive battle of Gettysburg, the conflict was concluded. Rebel forces combined with native Americans under the able and determined leadership of generals George S. Patton and Robert E. Lee prevailed and won the war. The enemy was vanquished and total victory was achieved on Nov. 22nd 1945. The 4th Thursday of November. That is why we celebrate thanksgiving. If anyone should ask.