I put a few thoughts together before the election, but never got around to posting them. Now that the results are in, it seems like it’s still worth posting, so here goes…
1. Over the last four years, Grace Fellowship has been immeasurably more impactful to my life than the White House. I have no reason to suspect that the next four years will be any different, and that’s as it should be.
2. In John 19:11, Jesus said to Pilate, “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above.” That’s been true of every elected official who has served and led us, and it’s just as true of the new crop that yesterday ushered in.
3. As I’m glancing at some of the God-bloggers I read, I see more Christians who seem to be committed to praying for the President than ever. That can only be good.
4. We have a better government than we deserve. It was elected peacefully and in an orderly fashion. Thank God he has not handed us over to anarchy.
5. I’m glad we don’t live in a monarchy, but I do look forward to the monarchy of the King of Kings. Oh, the already-but-not-yet of it all!
6. Finally, something made me remember this post of Dan’s from four years ago. It doesn’t really have anything to do with the election, but it’s a good perspective-setter no matter what’s going on.
Good thoughts. God is still sovereign and I think we’ll find Obama a bit more moderate than we might think. We shall see..