The Acton Institute observes that government policies addressing poverty have perpetuated it and even worsened it by creating social pathologies… prior to 1960, 82% of black families had a married man and woman raising their children. The situation is very different now. Even during slavery days, a black child was more likely to grow up with both parents than he or she is today.
[via JT]
2. The End of the Nation? Russia Chooses Death Over Life
Al Mohler writes on the alarming fact that 64% of Russian pregnancies end in abortion:
The recent military incursion into Georgia, brutal as it was, may represent a futile attempt to show force while Russia still has force. The number of young men of military age in the population is crashing — as is the number of young women who could give birth to future soldiers…
In a twist only Fyodor Dostoevsky might understand, Russian authorities, alarmed by the population collapse, declared 2008 as the ‘Year of the Family.’ Government campaigns to encourage bearing children were launched, but with no apparent impact. In a stunning disconnect, the government still offers free abortions.
What country can live with aborting 64 percent of its babies?
My Take
Would it be fair to say that government has become an idol? It promises what only God can provide and delivers up death and decay instead.
Wow, I am blown away! Thanks for the resources and thoughtful construction of this post.
To the question you posed – “Would it be fair to say that government has become an idol?”
Let me respond by saying this: I am comfortable affirming that our government is, at the very least, the pathological entry point for society as a whole to display idolatrous attitudes and addictions.