Tony Snow conservative commentator and former press secretary to President Bush (2006-2007), died this morning.
Snow, an evangelical, wrote an article for Christianity Today in 2007 entitled Cancer’s Unexpected Blessings.
Here is an excerpt, the ending of his essay:
I sat by my best friend’s bedside a few years ago as a wasting cancer took him away. He kept at his table a worn Bible and a 1928 edition of the Book of Common Prayer. A shattering grief disabled his family, many of his old friends, and at least one priest. Here was a humble and very good guy, someone who apologized when he winced with pain because he thought it made his guest uncomfortable. He retained his equanimity and good humor literally until his last conscious moment. “I’m going to try to beat [this cancer],” he told me several months before he died. “But if I don’t, I’ll see you on the other side.”
HT: Justin Taylor
I loved Tony Snow. Both filling in for Rush years ago, on Fox News, and as the WH Press Sec. He always had a kind and likeable way about him that I long for as a believer.
Tony said that death for him would be “graduation day”. Many will picture that graduation as Tony bowing at God’s throne giving glory to God and whole in body and mind.
He influenced and inspired so many, and in contrast to the recent death of Tim Russert, Tony influenced people with his kindness as well as the light that was in him.
I fall so short of this amazing human example of faith and testimony in such a time of pain and suffering.
I pray that many come to Jesus as a result of Tony’s life, and mine as well.