Have you ever thought about how incredible the idea of a person rising from the dead? How you ever thought of the impossibility of this kind of belief? Well, you wouldn’t be the first. Throughout history the resurrection of Christ has met with every response possible ranging from sneers to apathy to those that embrace the belief that Jesus did rise from the dead and lives on. We see this spectrum of opinion in Acts 17:32-33, when it says that “when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked. But others said, ‘We will hear you again about this.’ But some men joined him and believed…”
Today we will follow the pen of the historian Luke to consider the reality of the resurrection of Jesus and rediscover what this seemingly incredible and impossible act means for you and me today.
I enjoyed this message. It was a real blessing. I quoted you on my blog and linked to your post.
Here is the link to my post:
This was part of a series of 100 post I made working through the bible reading program known as the Essential 100 or E100 created by Scripture Union. Now I am journaling through the “Essential Jesus” 100 verses.
Anyway thank you!