We will be introducing a new song this Sunday called “Let God Arise”. You can listen to the song in the iTunes store here. It’s a great up tempo song about our Risen Lord and King and what He has done for us. So check it out and even download it so you can be ready to sing out with us Easter Sunday morning!
About Kevin Schultz
Kevin is the Director of Music at Grace Fellowship. Whether by playing guitar with the band or talking too much in Connections, he hopes to make much of Jesus by encouraging our church to rejoice in the truth of the Gospel in order to spread the fame of God.
Dan Miller says
“Vivacious.” You are a master of the English language and my hero.
Kevin Schultz says
A great wife deserves a great adjective!
Vicki Miller says
Vivacious…also vibrant, virtuous, and very funny!(Can that count as a “V” word?) She truly is the life to many gatherings.
The song sounds neat. Mmmm, a strong guitar lead. I wonder why?
I look forward to hearing the live version on Sunday.
Thanks for your worship through ministry.
David Ennis says
I wonder if people said similar things to Frédéric Chopin:
Why a guitar lead? Because a piano can’t make the sound required for this song. 🙂
This message brought to you by: Americans for the Revival of the Bassoon Solo.
Vicki Miller says
Somewhere I heard that Deric (Not Fred – too Americanized) wanted to play the drums but they were considered evil.
Alright…maybe not!
I’m still gathering some info. How does Google work?
*This message brought to you by the President, Vice President, and well…the only member of the Deric Chopin fan club.
Larry says
Will this be before or after “Christ the Lord is Risen Today”? 🙂
Jeffrey J. Stables says
A friend of mine plays the bassoon while we sing hymns every once in a while at our Friday night prayer meetings. Forget bassoon solos…I say we have bassoon-only worship.