It is now Tuesday in the Passion Week of Christ. Jesus goes back into Jerusalem (Mark 11:27) and is immediately challenged by the religious leaders of the day: By what authority are you going these things? And who gave you this authority? (see Matt. 21:23). These two questions set off a theological explosion since these two inquiries focus on the epicenter of the conflict between Jesus and the religious leaders, the true identity of Jesus Christ. It is easy to expose what the religious leaders of the day thought of Christ since they viewed Jesus’ authority as fake, a simple poser that needed to be exposed as a heretic. It is now clear that the religious leaders refuse to see (from the acts of miracles that Jesus), that He was/is the Messiah sent from God (see Matthew 9:1-8; John 9). Therefore, Jesus begins to dismantle the life and practice of the Pharisees and religious leaders of the day in an effort to clearly expose them for what they are – spiritual counterfeits.
Round One
Jesus silences the Sadducees by exposing their ignorance (22:29-33).
Round Two
The Pharisees seek to do to Jesus what he had done to the Sadducees – confuse and expose by asking questions regarding the Law of Moses (22:34-40). When they could not catch Jesus, He then takes the opportunity to ask them a question regarding the identity of the Messiah (22:41-45). Because the Pharisees had rejected Christ they could not see the Messiah was the one posing the question! The Pharisees are physically silenced because they are spiritually blind (22:46).
Round Three
Jesus rails against the Teachers of the Law and the Pharisees. Jesus sets out to expose the “religious” leaders (see Matthew 23:1-39).
As Jesus is leaving Jerusalem the disciples call attention to the Temple building and Jesus speaks to the coming judgment due to rejecting Christ as Messiah. Jesus then teaches on the character of the end times and specifically: When will this happen and what will be the sign of you coming and the end of the age. Chapter 24-25 is a record of end-times teaching.
Jesus then leaves Jerusalem and travels to Bethany (approx. 2.2 miles away) to spend time in the home of Simon the Leper. (see Mark 14:3).
As I read over these passages in the context of the last week of Christ, I am amazed at His focus and intensity. Jesus refused to be discouraged or dissuaded from following the road to Calvary. Take time to voice your adoration to Jesus and ask Him to lead you into the lives of people who desperately need Him today.
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