Every year, I repost my Passion Week blog to help us walk through the events of the last week of Christ’s life on earth. It is my hope that as you meditate on the events of the last week in the life of Christ you will worship Him for all that He is and has done for us.
The day after the “Triumphal Entry” or “Palm Sunday” Jesus again enters Jerusalem in the morning, but this time he is walking. No ceremony, no joyful cheers, just a plant that will serve as a living parable. It was early and Jesus was hungry (Matt. 21:18-22). Upon investigating the tree, Jesus sees that the tree that was intended to produce figs had none since the time of year for fig trees to produce had not come. At this time of year, edible figs were still about 6 weeks away. A bland fruit would appear on the fig tree in late March, but it would not become ripe until late May. These figs were “early” figs that would precede the main crop of “late” figs that would come in mid-August into October. It would be commonly known that the edible figs would not be available to eat, so what is Jesus point by cursing the tree and how does it relate to the Passion Week?
On a fig tree, if only leaves appeared and no “early” figs; the tree would not produce any figs that year – early or late. Jesus is making a point about trees that only pretend (or appear from a distance) to have good fruit (c.f. Jer. 24) and that they will only lead to disappointment and judgement (cursing). Jerusalem was rich with religious activity, but bankrupt with true spiritual devotion to the Messiah of God standing among them.
Life Truth One
How unfortunate that the people who celebrated Jesus as he entered Jerusalem were only adding Him to their tradition of prophets and teachers. Jerusalem had an appearance of being religious, but rejected the object of true religion – Jesus Christ. The parable of the fig tree was a diagnosis of the spiritual condition of Jersualem and all of Israel.
During the day, Jesus and the disciples would take time to purchase a lamb for Passover that would begin at twilight on Friday evening (see March 19.05 blog) as prescribed in Exodus 12:1-6. April was “Nissan” – the first month of the Jewish calendar and the 10th of Nissan was the day to pick lambs to be sacrificed on the 14th of Nissan – Passover.
How ironic that the lamb of God for the world would be involved in choosing a lamb for Passover. I wonder what He thought as the disciples discussed the merits of potential lambs. Imagine the scene: Simon says too small (the sheep chosen would have to feed the entire twelve during the Passover meal). Another disciple says, Are those spots on the left side? According to the command, the lamb could not have spots, marks, or defects. The lamb they really needed was standing beside them.
Jesus would also interact with some Greeks who had, seemingly, converted to Judaism and wanted to speak with him (see John 12:20-36). Jesus did not take time to address their questions, but took the opportunity to interact with His Father and gain comfort at the end of the first day of his Passion Week.
Life Truth Two
How tragic that the people who were to want Christ as Messiah refused Him, while those who were not the covenant people clamored to meet with Him. When leaving Jerusalem, the disciples notice that the fig tree from the morning had withered – a stark reminder of the penalty for missing Christ.
Do you have Christ in your life? Have you trusted in Christ alone for the forgiveness of your sins? If not, please contact me and we can talk about what having a relationship with Christ really means. No guilt trip, just considering why and what Jesus did for you and me.
Love it, Dan! Once again, the events of Passion Week and the intricate details and facts that you bring out really strike me like they did last year. I really appreciate this particular blog, and I’m looking forward to the daily view of Jesus’ experiences, hoping that they not only educate me but move my heart. Thanks so much!!
Mary Nix
Yes, we are using these as our family devotional time this week. Glad to see Tuesday and Wednesday are available now.