Want to keep up with our blog—and many, many others—in one easy place? Watch this:
I have to agree that Google Reader is fantastic. Here are a couple of easy-to-use subscription buttons that will let you subscribe to the Grace Fellowship blog and its comments:
Posts — this button will subscribe you to blog entries.
Comments — this button will subscribe you to comments that people leave so you can follow the discussion.
Here’s a bonus… all of our Sunday morning messages are included in the “Posts” subscription!
Have fun!
Thanks Hugh!That is very helpful information.
For those with a Mac (OS Tiger or later), you can also have Safari handle all your RSS feeds. By creating book marks in organized folders, the browser will notify you if there are unread posts.
You can organize a menu bar category titled “Blogs” then have subcategories (Tech, News, Friends, Theology, etc.)
Learn more here