The following is taken from Justin Taylor’s, Between Two Worlds blog. I thought it so helpful that I wanted to repost.
See HT link below for Justin’s extended blog entry.
Whether or not you are a fan of Mike Huckabee and his candidacy for the presidency, it’s helpful to take a sober look at the transparent bigotry on display among some members of the mainstream media reacting to an evangelical who is unashamed of his faith and who has an integrated worldview.
The Washington Post’s Richard Cohen doesn’t mind if a candidate has religious beliefs, as long as those beliefs are completely irrelevant to the candidate’s worldview. Cohen makes some classic, elementary blunders in his article–assuming that believing in intelligent design is “anti science” and believing that a faith commitment precludes argumentation. Because debate is essential to democracy, Cohen suggests that a robust faith is incompatible with the democratic process.
The Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi is more blunt and crude (warning: profanity in article). Here are a few of his descriptions of Huckabee as it relates to his faith:
* “full-blown nuts”
* “Christian goofball of the highest order”
* “obvious and undisguised lunacy”
* “full-bore nuts”A couple of helpful articles in light of this kind of thing: First, John Piper’s Taking the Swagger Out of Christian Cultural Influence. This is a great article to read and reread–to remember that we are exiles on this earth, who should faithfully serve with “brokenhearted joy,” knowing that we will be hated for Christ’s sake.
Again, the issue is not about what you think of Candidate Huckabee. The important thing is to have your eyes wide open to the way in which religion is perceived and to have an informed response to this sort of thing.
Also, help your wife and kids know how to strike the balance between responding to sentiments expressed above (yes, even the vulgar ones) and remind them that we are only passing through this world. To withdraw from the process is not an option. However, neither is becoming embroiled in the system in order to find your satisfaction in living. Thank God that He can give us this balance!
Should we be surpsised or expected to be loved and admired for our faith?
These verses sum up that concept nicely…..
(John 15:18-19 CEV)
“If the people of this world hate you, just remember that they hated me first. If you belonged to the world, its people would love you. But you don’t belong to the world. I have chosen you to leave the world behind, and that is why its people hate you.”