It was awfully thoughtful of Greg Koukl and J.P. Moreland to get together and do a radio interview while some of the ladies of Grace Fellowship were studying one of Dr. Moreland’s books. 🙂 You can find the show here.
One of the things I particularly like about this interview is how it illustrates something Hugh reflected on a few months back. In the interview we see how they disagree in some key areas and yet do so without dismissing the value that each brings to God’s kingdom.
If you listen to Greg, you will quickly pick up two things… He is a compatibilist (a.k.a. a Calvinist) and he is deeply concerned about the popular teaching about hearing the voice of God in the Experiencing God style.
J.P. holds to a libertarian free will of man and thinks that we quench the Spirit when we do not learn to hear from God in the very way that Greg teaches so passionately against. Yet, as Hugh pointed out, they are united their desire to expand the Kingdom of God.
In this conversation we hear Greg crediting J.P. as one of the most significant teachers in his life, and we hear J.P. exhorting listeners to support STR because of the vital work it is doing. In so doing, they set an excellent example for the listeners.
In the last minute of the STR program, he dropped a caller named John Paul from “CummingS, GA”. Clear thinking? 🙂