“This is about a procedure that any parent would want her daughter to have access to if she needed it. And to frame it as an abortion issue is doing a disservice to medicine and to our young women and our country. So I hope we can get the focus back on the fact that this Supreme Court is deciding what medical procedures are necessary for child-bearing women.”
Quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle
Read the following description of the Partial-Birth Abortion process and let me know if you agree.
(HT: Denny Burk)
Just reading the words (I saw no pictures at all) made me want to wretch. I am “any” parent and I assure you I do not want any of my daughters to have access to this “procedure.” I am appalled at the callousness with which life is ended and the low degree it is held in. Yet we can’t utter inappropriate words without fear of losing our jobs or being labelled dangerous. Although I know the answer, at times I am at an utter loss for how right can be so wrong and wrong made so right. It trully saddens me………
You make a good point, Pat. We can tell a lot about a society by where its outrage is directed.