How can dinner parties help end abortion? Al Mohler explains.
About Hugh Williams
Hugh Williams is one of the Connections teachers at Grace Fellowship. You may notice him playing bass with the music team on Sunday mornings, too, when he works hard on smiling while reading music and keeping rhythm at the same time. A native of the New York City area, Hugh and his wife, Krista, have lived in the Atlanta area since 1997.
Ah yes. I suspect that one of my life long memories will be Dan throwing me under the bus and opening up a topic that lead to a discussion about sodomy laws over a lovely barbeque dinner with Greg Koukl.
Good times.
I can see the new bumper stickers now. Instead of “I vote Pro-life” we can admonish people to “Invite an abortionist to dinner” as we drive down the road.
Its worth a try, the first tactic has not worked so well it seems.
I wish we could have video’s David’s expression as I gently pushed him into the intellectual jaws of Greg Koukl! After recovering from the initial chewing sounds, it was a good discussion.