A common theme in much of what you will see here is in regards to a man’s role as the leader of his family. We are to lead our wives and children spiritually, physically, and emotionally. We have been charged to do so by no less an authority than God Himself. To that end, a little incident last night struck home to me the gravity and enormity of our roles as Dads to our kids.
The children had been put into bed. The younger three earlier and they were asleep. After family worship, the older three were put to bed. About fifteen minutes later, my second son, Ethan, who is five, appeared at the top of the stairs and wanted to tell me about a new song they were learning in children’s Bible study. The song, he said, is called “The Word of the Lord endures Forever.” I asked him to tell me the lyrics, which are taken straight from Isaiah 40:8. He did, we chatted for less than a minute about it and then I scooted him back of to the bedroom where his older brother was. As Ethan entered the room, I heard him say excitedly, “I told Daddy the words to that song, Jacob.” It was as if Ethan had just encountered his favorite hero or sports figure and he was pumped telling his brother about it. In fact, though, the “hero” was me!
As I stood there at the bottom of the stairs pondering my 5 year-old’s excitement at having a two minute conversation with me, the enormity of my role as the leader of this family hit me. I must guard my words and my attitudes so as not to crush their spirits. I must not let them feel or think that they are in the way or are slowing Daddy down from what he “needs” to do. I prayed right there that God would give me insight, ability, and patience with my kids to raise them properly for God’s glory and that I wouldn’t view them as slowing me down. I confessed my attitude towards God and thanked Him for his mercy. Have you considered lately the magnitude of your role as the leader of your family?
Sobering thoughts, man. Thoughts that I needed to hear.
Thanks for the indirect encouragement.