This Sunday (02.25.07), Pastor Kevin is leading a class on baptism for parents of children. The class is intended to help adult parent(s) understand what baptism is and how they play a pivotal role in shaping the desire of their child to be baptized. So, I thought it helpful to advertise this upcoming resource while pointing out universal signs of when a baptism service goes bad…
5. The Coast Guard becomes involved.
4. The service is held at “Splash Mountain Water Park.”
3. Two words: Alka Seltzer
2. The deacon board shows up with fishing gear and packing a cooler.
1. As the baptism begins the organist plays the theme from JAWS.
Feel free to add to the list.
How about-
#6 When you and Spongebob are neighbors?
Here’s a few off my head as one that has been dipped 4 times (ask me how that happened sometime)
#7 Natives circle around tossing in chopped vegetables…
#8 (For us plus sized folks) Someone tries to break a champagne bottle across your bough…
#9 Just you and the pastor in there and the water suddenly gets warmer…
#10 One word…..bubbles…