In How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth this week we looked at how to choose the most important tool in Bible study–a good English translation. We also looked at some of the other tools that will help us get more out of our study.
One of the most natural first tools to supplement the text itself is a Bible Dictionary. Just as we consider a good dictionary as a standard reference to aid us in our everyday reading, we should think of a good Bible Dictionary in the same way in our reading of the Bible. It should always be on hand to help give us the biblical context for any word or name we come across in the text that we are unsure of.
The primary value of a Bible Dictionary, like any dictionary, is that it will give you range of possible meanings of a word.
Choosing a Bible Dictionary can be tough because there are many good choices out there. Hugh and I asked the Leadership Team for their personal favorite references.
Ken likes the Davis Dictionary of the Bible which is out of print (but available on the used book market).
Dan likes the Inter-Varsity Dictionary Series, which doesn’t really narrow it down too much for us.
I’ve used and like the The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary. If the NIV is your translation of choice, then the New International Bible Dictionary would be good one.
Easton’s Bible Dictionary is a classic and is available on-line here and other places. You can find more on-line dictionaries at as well.
For something that is more along the line of a word-study dictionary, something like Vine’s Expository Dictionary of the Old & New Testament Words would be a classic.
In future posts, we’ll look at encyclopedias, concordances, word study guides, Bible software, and more.
Is there any way we could get this information formatted in a pdf or something and put somewhere else on the website?
O’Ryan, do I hear you volunteering? 🙂
Once we get all of the reference types posted (plus helpful comments that I hope we get with even more info), it should be pretty to gather it all into one document.