What: Auditions for Vocalists and Instrumentalists
When: February 22, 2007 at 6:30 PM
Where: Church Auditorium
Do you desire to spread the fame of God with your musical talents? You can serve at Grace Fellowship through singing or playing an instrument in the Music Ministry. You can get signed up for our coming auditions by contacting me. I serve as the Director of Music. Please email me at kevin.schultz @ forGodsfame.org (no spaces). I work closely with Pastor John Lee, who oversees the Music Ministry.
Here’s how the audition process works:
- We’d like to know if you are interested in trying out. We have some information about ministry involvement we’d like to share with you. These documents will help you and your family understand the ins and outs of Music Ministry, i.e., philosophy of ministry, when is practice, how often am I in rotation, what is expected of me, etc…
- Next, for both vocalists and instrumentalists, we’d like to hear you perform two songs of your choice and one of ours from our regular song list at the audition. I have included the list at the end of this blog. Let me know if you need any arrangements. Depending on what you sing or play, we will accompany you.
- Finally, John and I discuss the audition. We look to determine where you would fit into the present music team and if there are any development steps needed before getting you involved.
Hopefully that is not too painful for anyone. I look forward to hearing from you.
Song List
All Creatures All for the Praise All in All Be Glorified Be the Centre Be Thou My Vision Before There Was Time Better than Life Blessed Be Your Name Come Let Us Return to the Lord Enough Famous One Forever Give Us Clean Hands God of Wonders Grace Flows Down Here I am To Worship How Deep the Father’s Love for Us How Great is Our God I Boast No More In Christ Alone Indescribable Joyful Noise Kindness |
King Let the Praises Ring Lord, Let Your Glory Fall Meet with Me My Savior My God Nothing but the Blood O Praise Him O Worship the King Only Hope Rock of Ages Sing for Joy Sing to the King Sovereign Grace Take My Life (Holiness) The Song We Sing Thy Mercy Warrior We Fall Down Wonderful Cross Wonderful Maker Yesterday, Today, and Forever You are the One Your Grace is Enough |
Kev. Could you cite some ways that the band serves as a ministry team? Also, how the relational dynamics serve to strengthen the members spiritually?
Sure. The band serves as a ministry team to the people of Grace Fellowship through leading the church in song. When the children of God sing, we use our hearts, souls, minds, and strength to express our love for God.
The band also serves a ministry team unto each other. Through spending time at practice and on Sundays, we grow together like a little family. We share our lives with one another and seek to help one another be real followers of Christ. A certain level of accountability is established when you build an environment where communication can be open enough to build each other up and also address each others weaknesses.