A friend who recently took a job that gives him a whole bunch more windshield time asked me for some suggestions of good podcasts. I figure this might also be timely for those for whom Christmas 2006 marks their entry into the iPod world. So, here goes…
Grace Fellowship of South Forsyth Feed
Of course this would be your first subscription so you will never miss a sermon or Bible Study lecture.
Yes, this one is quite predictable. It’s no secret that I am a huge STR fan. As Greg Koukl answers calls from believers and unbelievers, you ‘ll not only get answers, you will also see how he approaches the challenges and and works through the process of giving a biblical response.
Led by Michael Horton, The White Horse Inn is a topic-oriented discussion by a group of theologian/pastor/commentators. These guys help to define the term CPR (Crusty, Prickly, Reformed), but I enjoy the insights they bring to various theological issues in the church today.
The resources are not properly podcasts. You will have to download and copy the MP3 files to your player manually, but they are worth it.
I’ve recommended this resource before. I cannot overstate what a valuable resource these courses are.
The Theology Program at Bible.org
This is another on-line course site. I particularly like the fair-minded approach the teachers take trying to understand how varying viewpoints have developed on controversial topics. They will more often than not avoid telling you what position to take while pointing you to the biblical support for each position and urging you to wrestle the text on your own.
John Piper’s teaching ministry has undergone a tremendous effort to make every one of his lectures and sermons freely available on the site. Everything is excellent, but I recommend starting with his biography series. I find it very interesting to see what Piper finds inspiring and lacking in some of the modern heroes of the faith.
A series of lectures around the Christian Worldview. There is a lot of really good stuff there.
Lots of lectures. Many good resources.
There’s a lot more out there, but that’s more than enough to get started. Please feel free to post comments with resources I’ve missed that you think are good.
Here’s one I just stumbled across:
Multimedia Archives at Theopedia.com
From the site I just linked:
Wayne Grudem’s “Christian Essentials” classes can be found here.
(Not to go fostering comparisons or anything…)
Thanks! I sure would have liked to have had Dr. Grudem’s lessons as a resource while preparing for that class.