ESCR has been all over the news with President Bush’s first presidential veto. His veto was the morally sound thing to do. I could go into a lot of detail as to why, but there are folks who have already said it better than I could. Some of the best sources are as follows.
About Eric Farr
Eric is privileged to be an elder at Grace Fellowship, a husband to an amazing woman (Donna), and daddy to two cool kids (Austin and Savannah). If he had free free time, Eric would probably go fishing, boating, or shoot some amateur photography.
Can you edit the links to go directly to stem cell topics? Then people can explore the ministries from there.
The STR site now has ESCR links on the home page. The STR blog is thick with ESCR topics over the past week, just take a look. On the LTI site, click on articles for the resources. Hope that helps.