On Sunday, May 7, we concluded our two week teaching regarding The Da Vinci Code. During the 2nd hour Q&A it was requested to post resources regarding the Da Vinci Code specifically and study resources generally that speak on the issues the book (and probably the movie) will address.
The following are not in order of importance.
I. Books specifically written on the subject of the Da Vinci Code.
The Books the Church Suppressed by Michael Green
A very good resource regarding the Gnostic “Gospels” and the grid by which the New Testament was qualified.
The Da Vinci Codebreaker by James L. Garlow with Timothy Paul Jones and April Williams
A good resource in the format of being a glossary of terms that you can use to look up terms finding quick answers. If you do not like to read, but want some answers then this book if for you.
The Da Vinci Code Fact or Fiction by Hank Hanegraaff and Paul Maier
A good resource to hand out to friends with very basic info. and a Gospel presentation woven within the presentation. Also, it comes in a six-pack version in order to hand out to friends.
Secrets of the Code, edited by Dan Burstein
A compilation of writers (followers and non followers of Christ) that has tons of information. The most valuable part of the book being the page by page corrections of factual information given in the Da Vinci Code book.
Breaking the Da Vinci Code by Darrell L. Bock
A good resource to explore the basics of the book by a Biblical research professor. It also features a Gospel presentation at the end.
II. Books specifically written regarding church history specifically related to the study of historic Christianity.
The First Seven Ecumenical Councils (325-787): Their History and Theology by Leo Donald Davis
Excellent resource from a Roman Catholic theologian regarding how the church developed and responded to theological issues. This is not an easy read, but well worth it due to the concentration of information.
More Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell
Excellent resource for people wanting to know how the Bible was formulated and challenges to the veracity of the Bible.
How on Earth did Jesus Become a God? by Larry W. Hurtado
A good resource to early development of devotion to Christ.
Eusebius the Church History by Paul Maier
A great resource for writings of the early church and first century followers of Christ.
The Life and Times of Jesus The Messiah by Alfred Edersheim
If you want a one volume resource that focuses on the life of Christ from the social, theological, and historical perspective then this is it.
History of the Christian Church by Philip Schaff (vol.1-8)
The standard resource for any serious student of church history. Get it.
Early Christian Doctrines by J.N.D. Kelly
A good resource to see the development of Biblical doctrines and detailed descriptions of heresies that challenged the early church.
Church History in Plain Language by Bruce L. Shelly
A great resource to get an overview of general church history. For those who are interested in getting a wholistic approach to church history in an easy to read format.
Just saw this on the Reformation21 blog:
Da Vinci Code Truth
Philip Ryken
Hey Dan,
This is Brian Robbins’ friend Dave from Massachusetts. I believe that last I saw you was in Atlanta for ETS 2 years ago. Hope things are well. Brian has told me about your church’s site and am glad to see the Lord is blessing you all. Check out my blog if you get a chance, it would be fun to correspond that way.
Every Blessing,
My Blog
Good to hear from you Dave! I will check it out.