Recently, I was in a local coffee shop preparing information for our new members class. One of the items I was working on was “Reasons God deserves the Glory”.
A person who was sitting by me (who I did not know) began to inquire about what I was doing. I told her about the church and shared some of the beliefs of the church. At that point, I asked her why were we created in the first place. Her reply was that she had been taught God was lonely and needed a friend that he could fellowship with. When she said that I recalled being taught much of the same at my church growing up. This is a very man-centered view of creation.
It is also false. God needed and needs nothing. He is God Almighty who is in control of everything.
The Westminster Confession states that “The chief end of man is to gloify God and enjoy Him forever.” John Piper says that “we glorify God by enjoying Him forever.”
As we continued to share, it was awesome to show her many of the verses which refer to the fact that God created us and all things for His glory-that he lacks nothing and is complete in Himself forever.
But is also reconfirmed to me that as a church our aim, our purpose should always be to glorify God-to spread His fame forever. We serve a great and mighty God who has graced us with the opportunity to know Him.
Thank you, Lord, for your grace and mercy that is only found in Christ.
Isn’t it a real blessing when the Holy Spirit leads an unbeliever to inquire about what you are doing? There is no doubt that God knew you to be an excellant person to ask. I can only hope that I would be as well prepared.
The seed has been planted by His servant Kevin — isn’t it comforting to know that God will do the rest?
Thanks for your kind words. Asamedly, far too often I have neglected these opportunities when God presents them.
To answer your question, an exphatic “YES”-it is very comforting to know that it is God who will do the rest. Some water, others plant, but only God can make it grow.
I am just thankful for the opportunity that He has given us to be a part of His redempive plan.
Vicki, thanks for posting. It’s great to have some fresh voices out here.
Yes, Hosner has a great influence in the resturaunt industry. We were on the way back from visiting family in North Georgia during the holidays when we stopped by Waffle House near the church for dinner. We noticed a Christmas card on the wall. It was from the Hosner family to the folks at Waffle House.
If a church is defined by its leadership then this as assuring sign that this is my kind of church. Mmmmmm, getting hungry now.
Thanks David. It’s good to know that we have others in our church who can appreciate a quality Waffle House meal.
Few things better than pulling into the Waffle House for some “good food fast”. I’ll meet you there!