The first post in the series introduced the topic.
The second post talked about organizations that educate the public.
The third post talked about organizations that educate pro-life apologists.
The next type of organization that is making a difference everyday in the battle to protect the unborn is the Crisis Pregnancy Center (CPC). These folks are truly in the trenches, helping women and their unborn babies on a case-by-case basis. Even if you are one of the folks who thinks that arguments and education is pointless, you have got to admire what these folks do.
Whispering Hope is the center in Cumming. Money or time donated to their cause would be well spent. Click here for contact info on Georgia CPCs.
We supported Whispering Hope in the past while we were looking for a new church home the past couple of years. We hope to continue in the future.
This is a place you can give and know the money is much needed and well spent. Coincidentally, I just communicated with their director this week via email as I was confirming their web address.
Very easy to find on the web after I got it right.
Due to the fact that discussion has slowed, i’ll put in a plug for two things:
1. RTS-Charlotte offers week-long classes every winter on apologetics. Our professors all have a wide variety of apologetic methods, but all the classes are great. They are M.Div. clases, and you can register online at
2. One reasource for apologetics is this great website:
Obviously, it is Van Til’s method of apologetics. Just being up front with those who might be anti-presuppositionalism.
I hope some of you were able to access it, but the van til lists website is down. Give them time. The guy who runs it, Mike Anderson, is teaching a course at RTS this winter. If it is not up and running by then I will have to bug him about it. Sorry about posting a temporarily useless link.