This past weekend, I had the tremendous honor of officiating in the marriage of Kyle Valencia and Jessie Blanco. Although I was calm and cool during the ceremony, words cannot express the emotional roller coaster I was on during the entire day. I have known Kyle since he was in seventh grace and Jessie since 5th grade. I have seen both of them at weekly student ministry functions: weekly events, mission trips, family events, retreats, etc. I have seen the good times and the bad times; spiritual victories and spiritual challenges. Now they will know them together as husband and wife…
The wedding day signaled a new chapter, a chapter that started with an expressed desire to spread God’s fame. Can a pastor ask for anything more? Although tears did not run freely on the special day, they do as I pray for them in my study. The faithfulness of God is celebrated in the memories I have of Jessie and Kyle. I am humbled and honored to have some little place at the table that God is setting for His glory through their lives. Our God is a great and good God!
Kyle and Jessie, Vicki and I love you very much.
I too thank God for young people like these and pray for my own kids be joyful in serving as I try to show them the way they should go in these very difficult teenage years.
Thank you for your help in this area Dan! You are a real positive influence.
It is through moments like this that we are reminded of how awesome God is. It has been such an awesome blessing to see how much they have grown over the past three years especially this last year at Boyce. Thank you God for two amazing people whose desire is to glorify you through their lives. Thank you Kyle and Jessie for challenging me in my love for God and others. You have been such an awesome encouragement to me. I was so blessed to share in your special day. I love you guys