Doug Groothius is a first-rate Christian thinker, especially on the topic of truth and postmodernism. He’s posted an apologetics manifesto on his blog. He makes a case for the need to made apologetics an intrinsic part of the process of evangelism.
About Eric Farr
Eric is privileged to be an elder at Grace Fellowship, a husband to an amazing woman (Donna), and daddy to two cool kids (Austin and Savannah). If he had free free time, Eric would probably go fishing, boating, or shoot some amateur photography.
Good stuff Eric…thanks! I got a lot of good head knowledge as a teen back as a new Christian in my hard lined independent Baptist church in Dunwoody as well as my time at Bryan College in Tenn.
I have crammed into my head many of the verses, arguments, what the different denominations believe, what the cults believe, but I never really knew how to relate this knowledge to others effectively without coming across arrogantly and judgmentally. That was mainly from the influence of those leaders that told me to basically avoid others that don’t believe like I do.
I read “Evidence that Demands a Verdict” as a teenager and loved it.
Unfortunately it took many more years to learn to use that knowledge without beating people over the head with it. Still not there yet! However, I am very thankful for the knowledge.
If there were more churches like GF that gave us some meat each week without trying to make us into clones, we would all be so much better off.
I am so concerned about the mega-seeker churches as people are not learning much of anything other than the absolute basics and nothing more….ever. Where does that leave the Body of Christ in the next generation? Weak and ineffective, without the ability to stand up for their faith with confidence because they simply have no idea how to. The contrast of meat and milk really holds true in this example doesn’t it?
(I Peter 3:15) NAS
“But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence”
This verse really sums up how we should approach others when it comes to apologetics and evangelism. I did real well with the first part, but never paid much attention to the part about “gentleness and reverence”. I learned from the King James where it used the words “Meekness and Fear”.
Would love to see a class at GF on Christian Apologetics where we discuss cults and denominational differences in the the light of the Word and with the context of shining our light to others. I believe this would be very helpful to myself and many others!
P.S. So are you pre or post trib and what do you think about the “gap theory” in Genesis 1? 😉
I agree with Mr. Groothius about many of his points. Particularly point # 4! and I liked 7 and 14 a lot. I just wish he were Amil. and hated the gap theory. 🙂
C.A. – Eric turned me on to Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason. They put their weekly radio shows online for mp3 download… I’ve been hopelessly addicted and now my wife wants an MP3 player too.
Koukl is all about the very thing you mentioned: “how to relate this knowledge to others effectively without coming across arrogantly and judgmentally.” Or, as STR’s motto goes: “Knowledge: an accurately informed mind; Wisdom: an artful method; Character: an attractive manner.”
Check it out!
Thanks Hugh.
I added that to my favorites and will check it out.
Yikes, those men’s photos on the site all looked too smart (or as our Prez would say “interletural”) with their suits and ties! 🙂