Phillip Johnson, the father of the modern Intelligent Design movement, has an outstanding three-part lecture on-line here. In the first lecture, Johnson gives an overview of the history of evolutionary theory and philosophy from the ancient Greeks to today.
In the second lecture, Johnson addresses the strengths and weaknesses of evolutionary theory.
The third lecture, he gives an insightful analysis of where the state of the fight against Darwinism stands today.
The Q&A sessions are outstanding, maybe even better than the lectures.
Also, it’s great to hear how far Johnson has come in the recovery from his stroke in 2001. He has probably done more than any other individual to undermine confidence in evolutionary theory in the past ten years. He’s done it not only by his brilliant legal and philosophical mind, but also through his winsome, positive approach.
So, download the MP3s and burn them to CDs or copy them to your iPod and feed your mind during your commute this week!
By the way, for the brave souls that made it through the thirty-something comments of that last post and debate over the issues of the age of the Earth and the role of evidence and authority in apologetics, Johnson makes the case better than I can in two areas that I hold to. The first is that it is worthwhile for Old Earthers and Young Earthers to lay down arms against each other long enough to unite and defeat Darwinism. The second is related—that it is worthwhile to defeat Darwinism on scientific and philosophical grounds without appealing to the authority of Scripture.
No link…no link…what am I to do?
You peaked my interest, especially with that last line. Feed me.
Here’s the link: Scroll to the bottom.
(Now fixed above, too)
Thanks! Burning for listening in the car right now…
Great lectures. I particularly enjoyed #2. I wish he had dealt with epistemology- you can’t take that for granted.