If you’ve followed Dan’s last teaching series (and I hope you have; it’s on-line), then you’ve heard Dan continue to come back to the three areas where false teachers always get it wrong:
1. Who we are spiritually.
2. How we know God personally.
3. The identity of Christ.
These three areas are at the basic foundation of our faith—the ABC’s if you will.
If you are like a lot of people you get turned off or intimidated when people start to pull out the big, technical sounding terms. Well, there’s really no need.
Anthropology is the study of the nature and condition of man. (Who we are spiritually.)
Soteriology is the study of how we are saved. (How we know God personally.)
Christology is the study of the nature and identity of Christ. (The identity of Christ.)
Dan’s been teaching us about proper Anthropology, Soteriology, and Christology by contrasting the truth of Scripture with various errors. Next time you hear any of these words tossed around, don’t be intimidated. The terms may sound a little esoteric if they are unfamiliar. And, sure, discussion on these topics can become esoteric–but at their core, they are the ABC’s of Christianity.
Thanks for the exegesis.