I few items of note in the news today…
AiG (Answers in Genesis) Creation Museum will be featured in NBC nightly news’ ‘Vacation Destination’ spot tonight. (Thanks, Donna).
NPR is running an interview with Greg Koukl on the Terri Schiavo case on its All Things Considered show today.
Newsweek is running an article on Jesus and the resurrection that deals with it in a serious way, which is uncommon in the mainstream media these day.
Thanks for the info on current events.
Another important scientific news story is linked and discussed in today’s post on my blog.
Here is a direct link to the NPR story.
Don’t hold your breath. The interview consists of two segments with Koukl that last a total of 45-60 seconds. It is superficial at best. Giving him some more time would have been better.
Yeah, but wait until April 30th. Koukl is taking on Deepak Chopra for the full hour on Faith Under Fire. They went in planning to shoot two segments worth. Evidently, the debate was so good they shot an entire show’s worth and are playing it as their “sweeps week” show.