We continue with our countdown of the Eight Worst Convenience Store Foods! Remember: Tell a friend and save a life!
Again, imagine a drum roll to achieve full-effect…
Musk Life Savers (Nestle Confectionery)
You may think musk is a scent, but over in Australia, they think it’s a candy flavor. A candy flavor that tastes disturbingly like raw meat, to be precise. But what did you expect from a country where everyone happily consumes Vegemite? Remnants of the British prison system effects on taste bud development – yea’ boy!
Blind Robins Smoked Ocean Herring (recently discontinued by Bar Food Products)
Possibly the world’s most bizarre prepackaged tavern snack. Interestingly, the product’s titular robin isn’t actually blind, he’s blindfolded — the better, presumably, to avoid looking at these heavily salted herring strips, which look like giant slugs.
Just when you thought it was safe to eat seafood! I warned ya.’ This is one time living by the Old Testament dietary laws really works for me.
I think I’m gonna hurl!