Sometimes we are surprised by things that we find in the Bible that we didn’t know were there. But sometimes we are even more surprised to find that things we thought were in the Bible but actually aren’t. My all-time favorite is this one…
God helps those who help themselves.
I’ve had more than one conversation with folks who refused to believe that the Bible didn’t include that verse.
What are yours?
One statement I hear very often (usually in reference to prayer meeting or a concert) is, “We are assured God is here because it says in the Bible: ‘where two or more are gathered in my name, I am in their midst.'” Simple questions would devastate this type of statement. Questions like, do I need to be with a group in order for my prayer to be heard? Or, is God not present unless we have more than one person in a location?
Question: Can anyone answer why this verse says this?
“Money is the root of all evil.”
Looked all over the Bible and can’t seem to find that verse about asking Jesus into my heart. And when He gets there, does he reside in all four chambers or just the ventricles?
John, I think the verse you’re looking for is either in 1 Impressions or 2 Opinions, I forget which though.
Hugh, you continue to crack me up!
Know, as I write this, that I’m a little intimidated to come out and play with the big dogs here, but I’m going to take a shot at this.
Dan, isn’t this verse refering to the authority with which you approach a follower of Christ who is sinning? If he won’t respond to one person confronting him, then you take two or three, and by their joint testimonies, His authority is represented?
This issue is why I have been persuaded and try to persuade others to always read and use verses within the context of how they were written. I also think that “Never read a Bible verse” would be a great separate blog, Eric.
Okay, I’m ready for the constructive criticism of my answer. Just go easy on me, guys . . . . 🙂
You’re intimidated by “big dogs?”
I can’t speak for the other guys, but if I’m a big dog, I’m the kind that moves really slow, drools a lot, and chases his own tail. So don’t be scared. More bark than bite.
Also, from what I know, David Ennis thinks of himself as more of a monkey of some sort. If that’s still intimidating, just picture Curious George. I guess that makes Regina the Man With The Yellow Hat. 😉
Wow, so we can’t post pictures? Okay, here’s a link, then…
Curious George.
And, since we’re going for mis-quotes and out-of-context stuff as well as things that aren’t even in the Bible, how about the all-time favorite:
My favorites are those that have their origin with the King James Version:
***Avoid all appearances of evil***
(taken to mean don’t let anyone see you doing anything that could even be construed as ‘evil’)
Really means: avoid evil every time it appears
***You are a peculiar people***
(taken to mean that Christians are strange, weird, and shouldn’t be concerned that their socks don’t match)
Really means: you are a people that belong to God
***Study to show thyself approved***
(taken to mean that you should study the Bible in order to prove your worthiness to God)
Really means: give diligence to show yourself approved (through your holy living).