I deleted 300 emails from my inbox yesterday. The majority were from the last two months. I got another 40+ today. My job keeps me tied to my laptop. With all the mail I have to sort and nature of my job, how and where do I find the time or place to build relationships with folks? To share the Gospel you need a pair of ears to hear it, right?
I do a few things in my virtual world to make an effort to build relationships. I bring up “bridge” topics in online chats with my co-workers. Most anything in the news can be a spring board to a spiritual conversation, or a chat for that matter. During phone conversations on Monday there is a huge opportunity. The inevitable “What did you do this weekend?” often comes from the other end of the phone. I usually have an amusing thing to share about the band every time and its usually about John. 🙂
Just today I pointed a friend at work to David Ennis’ blog because a song I played guitar on was posted there. Well, he poked around and read a few of the blogs as well. Accidental evangelism? Not at all. Share the Gospel. Use technology when necessary.
It’s so true that we have forgotten that “as you are going” evangelism that Jesus spoke to in the Grat Commission. Due to “arena evangelism” events and the American way of thinking that large equals effective we have lost the simplicity and natural flow of one on one conversation. Also, it sure is easier for a “trained” person to give the Gospel than me. That is sad, but it is what has been created. The issue for me is not opportunity, it is heart condition. When I am full of God’s Spirit and interact with people then the truth of their condition moves me to encouraging them to consider Christ.
I was talking the other day with my techno buddies that some companies don’t have a culture that allows for personal interaction – not even the inevitable “what did you do this weekend.”
Most of the people I work with are in Arkansas or Pittsburg. When I’m not developing alone in my cube then I’m on the phone discussing project requirments in a formal business meeting atmosphere – never approaching a level to where spriritual ideas could ever be considered being addressed.
Am I just an exception or what?
Young men in love with Jesus is a refreshing thought for ‘older ears’. How many times a day do I (in the Mortgage Business) get an opportunity to say ‘Jesus is Lord’? Surprisingly, quite a few.
I am glad that you young business men realize that a workplace is not by definition off limits to the truth of Christ.
May God continue to work in your lives.