I received this interesting email yesterday…
Dear Friends:
Perhaps you have heard the dramatic news that legendary British atheist, Antony Flew, has recently turned to belief in God. Well, as Paul Harvey would say, here is the rest of the story.
We have been preparing to publish a definitive interview on Flew’s change of mind (an interview conducted masterfully by Dr. Gary Habermas) in the January 2005 issue of our academic journal “Philosophia Christi.” Well, as often happens, the story has broken early and ABC News and the Associated Press have posted very brief reports. Since the world is now bombarding our office for the full story of this remarkable event, we are going to tell it today on the internet.
INTERVIEW WITH FLEW ABOUT HIS JOURNEY TO THEISM!!Here is an excerpt from the interview to entice you:
GARY HABERMAS: You very kindly noted that our debates and discussions had influenced your move in the direction of theism. You mentioned that this initial influence contributed in part to your comment that naturalistic efforts have never succeeded . . . Which arguments for God’s existence did you find most persuasive?ANTONY FLEW: I think that the most impressive arguments for God’s existence are those that are supported by recent scientific discoveries. . . . I think the argument to Intelligent Design is enormously stronger than it was when I first met it.
—————————————–Dr. Flew is open to Christianity right now. Please pray for him.
I hope this helps us all to remember that our reasons for faith can be powerful tools in the hands of the Holy Spirit even at the highest levels of academic discourse.
To get the entire interview on line, just go to:
www.biola.eduTo subscribe to the cutting-edge philosophy journal, Philosophia Christi, just go to: www.biola.edu/philchristi
With all good wishes in Christ,
Craig J. Hazen, Ph.D.
Professor of Comparative Religion and Apologetics
Director, Graduate Program in Christian Apologetics
Editor, Philosophia Christi
Biola University
Christian Apologetics Program
McNally 66
13800 Biola Ave
La Mirada, CA 90639
562.906.4570 phone
562.906.4592 fax
craig.hazen@biola.edu ============================================
KR says
I got to hear Flew in a debate in the late 70s. This is the first I’ve heard of this story.
Eric Farr says
Reading the interview, it was interesting to me how much his transition from atheism to theism looked like mine. Dr. Flew has been most persuaded by the argument for intelligent design (ID). In particular, the area of irreducible complexity pushed him over the edge. One of the things that he pointed out was one of the things that caused me to finally reject evolution. It is the fact that to believe the macro evolutionary story, one must believes that for each species that reproduces sexually, both the male and female evolved completely synchronized. I didn’t have enough faith to believe that story. Apparently Dr. Flew didn’t either. For me, it was a relatively quick journey from theism the Christianity. I hope it will be for Flew as well.